
投稿日: カテゴリー

ネタフルのこの記事を思い出したので,「さて,そろそろなにか動きはあるかしら」とCherry OSのサイトに行ってみたら。。。

  • [N] 「Cherry OS」の正式リリースは11月25日に



As a direct result of the overwhelming response to our October 12 announcement, and in order to provide current and future customers with the timely service and attention such high-volume demand requires, MXS has chosen to extend the beta development for CherryOS. In order to accommodate those who were inconvenienced by the interruption of immediate access to the CherryOS download, and to further validate this breakthrough product, MXS will provide a free trial download of the CherryOS software, in addition to the purchase download in early 2005.


VAIO Tを冬ボーで購入して,Cherry OSで。。。なんてもくろみもちょっと現実味が無くなってきちゃいました。


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